Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Letter of Thanks

As blogs in general are a form of journaling, and this page will undoubtedly trace where I've been to where I'm headed, I figured it only made sense to thank a few people who've had an impact on me along the way. Rather than run down a long list of friends, mentors, family members, personal heroes and single-serving acquaintences I've had the pleasure of learning and benefitting from I thought I'd take another approach.

Although this might be an obtuse way to start an online journal, I want to use it as a chance to thank all the ex-girlfriends I've made thus far in my life. I intend to be sincere and honest with this post. So please don't expect some farcical approach, or any Tucker Max like stories recounting episodes between ex-girlfriends and myself. Frankly, though they are probably all unaware, each has had an impact on me and who I am today. These impacts vary, some may be large and others small, some good and others maybe not so good, and each of these markings reflect on the persons who made them and our time spent together.

There are numerous friends, family members and heroes I will assuredly mention in future posts, so why bore you with what could become repetitive homages. This should be a fun, one-time entry and might help you gauge how I view myself and interact with others. Lets begin, shall we...

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